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What Sets RemoteLink Apart from Other SEO Firms?

With so many SEO firms competing for your business, it can seem overwhelming when trying to decide which firm to outsource this work to. Many business owners wonder what the difference is from one company to another. For some, it might be the “Guarantee” they promise. Other SEO firms offer extremely low pricing for monthly […]

How Can I Tell What People Search for in Google?

As a business owner/employee, you surely know what products and services your business provides. The question is, what do your customers think you sell? Just to give you an example, let’s say your business provides “flood restoration services.” It is possible that your customers type “flood water cleanup” when they search for a business like […]

Web Analytics and Measurement-Based Marketing

Why Should I Measure Marketing?   When it comes to marketing, every business has a different strategy – some engage in print media, other interact with customers through social media, and yet others rely on face-to-face interactions. With so many different channels of communication available today, it can be very easy to lose track of […]