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Magento Case Study Legacy Collectibles Remotelink

Magento Case Study

When Tom Whiteman decided to transform his favorite hobby to a real business he realized his site was outdated with no shopping cart. His friend had built the site for $30, but purchases required a phone call, which put a barrier between the client and the product,  effecting sales.


Case study Legacy Collectibles_Remotelink

Case study Legacy Collectibles_Remotelink

Simple site changes took hours to upload making up-to-date content out of Legacy Collectibles’ (and their clients’) reach.

Lack of web design expertise made it difficult to produce a professional grade eCommerce site that would meet the expectations of clientele looking for their high-end products. Legacy Collectibles was reluctant to hire a full time web designer simply for regular inventory updates. At the same time they needed a scalable site that would grow with demand and inventory.

The RemoteLink Team suggested a Magento eCommerce Site with custom design. Magento could provide a site with painless uploads and RemoteLink could provide a well designed site with a look that was clean and simple.

Download the Magento Case Study for Legacy Collectibles Remotelink here.

View Legacy-Collecitbles website.